How customer feedback work for my business-service and why customer feedack is important for my business-service?

To grow your business, customer feedback or opinioun play a very vital role, the business that understands the customer points, are grown fast as compared to who is not working on customer feedback. It helps you to know what exactly your customer want? what they are liking and what not, in which area your business is not doing good , or what are the factor which stopping you to grow? Why customer not coming/buying again? All these questions are related to customer feedback if you experince and handle it better

This customerfeedrate application collect customer feedback-rating for your business-service and shows detailed view of feedback with analytical parameters.You have to create account, set rating parameters and collect customer feedback using Get feedback page

It gives you customer list feature also , which includes customer retention(repeat) rate, customer visits count , name and their mobile number which you can utilize as per your needs like to send them offer and to contact them

AI modeled comments list for your business. When customer submit the feedback with comment customer feedrate analize them and categories them into Good, Bad and worst. This comments list which help you lot to understand your customer feedaback.

The customer feedrate application is very easy to use, simple and effective. It helps you to have customer engagement and hepl you to grow by their feedback analysis given for your business/service or product like Hotel, restuarent, gym or any institution , hospital etc. And It's easy subscription model allow you to cancel any time using account setting

Comments on this post


Namita Solanki

5 days ago

Amazing information given, I have started using this application for my Gym

Ravi Arya

1 hours ago

Yes correct, customer feedback and rating is very useful our business. I am also using this. Very easy and useful. I created all my manager accounts to collect feedback of customer using this application.

Sumit Mourya

3 hours ago

I was looking for this type of simple application for my hospital , I created my staff's account to get feedback from patient.

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